About us

About Baroque Mirror,

Who are we?

We are a company that is always looking for suitable mirror solutions for everyone and every interior, both for the business market and for private individuals.
We are particularly driven by the delivery of high quality products in accordance with traditional craftsmanship.
Together with sustainability and environmentally responsible production, we are able to provide the best products for you and your living environment at very competitive prices.

Mirrors and mirror frames come in different qualities and thicknesses. To ensure that you can always count on a very good price/quality ratio, we have put together a collection of mirrors from different manufacturers in Europe. This way, you don't have to look for quality and a good price yourself, but always enjoy our favourable offer.

We do not make concessions when it comes to quality! There are many mirrors of inferior quality on the market. A good quality mirror distinguishes itself from them. Our extensive experience and expertise will reassure you with your purchase. We have selected all mirrors with care and can take care of the whole process from A to Z, including professional delivery and mounting of the mirror, but also online aftercare and responsible disposal of your old mirror are among the possibilities.

Where are we located

Barokspiegel is established in Sneek (Hommerts), the Netherlands.

Here you will find a frame shop and a mirror workshop with a small showroom.
You can collect your mirror here and/or come and see it.
Because of our wide range of over 350 different mirror models that are available in many sizes and/or colourations, resulting in a collection of over 10.000 mirrors, it is not possible to have all mirrors in stock.
Besides that many mirrors are specially made and coloured for you.

Please contact us first to ask if the mirror you want is available.

Our concern for the environment

Environmental awareness and sustainability are very important to us. We have always made an effort and will continue to do so in negotiations with our manufacturers.
This is one of the reasons why we are looking for alternatives to producers from so-called low-wage countries or other economic powers in Europe.
Our aim is to ultimately produce CO neutrally.

Production close to home

The production of our mirrors is done in Europe, more specifically at the source where the craft of investing with gold and silver leaf originated, namely Italy, but we also supply mirrors from England and France.
This assures us and you of high quality products and, because of the distances, short delivery times.

We at Barok spiegel have studied all traditional and authentic processes that are necessary to deliver mirrors of very good quality.
Through our years of experience and personal contacts with the most prominent manufacturers, we have the possibilities to deliver these high quality mirrors at very competitive prices.

We have also thought about responsible mirror glass

We work with Miralite Pure glass, the advantages of which are:

Consists of at least 30% recycled glass;
Is produced without toxic substances such as: copper, lead and plastic components
Has a proven, unique quality and a long lifespan.
Is environmentally friendly.

MIRALITE PURE can therefore also be recycled without any problems.

Baroque Mirror says NO to plastic and Foam

At Barokspiegel we have stopped producing plastic mirrors.
Most moulded mirrors are made of plastic by means of a mould.
Both the production process and the material are harmful to the environment and we do not want to contribute further to the plastic soup in the oceans.

Very innovatively, we have developed a wood paste from recycled wood in Italy.
This wood paste can also be poured and moulded.
The mirror frame is made of recycled wood and can be recycled again when it is discarded.

We have chosen responsible wood with quality mark

In our new web shop we have included mirror frames with a PEFC or FSC quality mark.
Unfortunately, not all models are FSC certified yet, but we are at the beginning of the right path.
Besides recycled wood, we also work a lot with specially grown Robinia wood.
Per product you can see if the product has a quality mark.

Responsible disposal of your old mirror

We are the first in the Netherlands to start with the responsible disposal of your old mirror.
Often people don't know what to do with the mirror when it is discarded.
The mirror has to be completely dismantled in order to recycle the materials in the right way.
We can do this for you in an effective way.

We at Baroque mirror see to it that all our mirrors meet our strict conditions and quality requirements

Good for man, animal and environment
Also the people who produce our mirrors are not exploited.
The mirrors are produced in Europe under normal and good working conditions.

In short, in a mirror of Barok Spiegel you can look at yourself with an easy mind.
A digital tour in our mirror atelier

Take a look in our mirror atelier!
Here you can get a beautiful view of our company from the comfort of your armchair.